Fact of MMC...

Reflect on your group project. What have you learnt from it? How has it helped you to understand and appreciate MMC class?

Well, comes to the end of the class, and the above is the last second question of the blog. 

Through this subject, I really learnt a lot from the lecturers, classmates, and also those trips *giggles*
Seriously this subject help me to explore many new knowledge, like gain a lots of media culture information throughout the subject and trips, how to satisfied the Saturday and Sunday to visit those field trips *because is compulsory so no choice lol but is fun don't worry*, and how to join with the bunch of people who are always hyper active in anytime, anywhere *my classmates are awesome than yours haha* Luckily we have the chance to join those trips through this subject that very interested compares to other subjects. I would like to say that, this subject really sound "ART" to me at the first, and I have no idea how is the content of the lecture class but in the fact is the lecture class always giving me the MAX fun and joy. Why am I say so? This is because there are always 'live' lecture class, for example, doing some role play on the spot, debating between the classmates, doing some quick quiz, and watching some related video during the class. See! How fun is the class *but our class is until 7pm S H A R P lol * This is all I would said this is the fresh experiences that I gained in my study life.

Moreover, this subject has one group assignment that involves 5 members in a group. Therefore, I am lucky that get the awesome group members to accomplish the assignment even though we are still doing our best on our video. To be perfect is too hard but to try the best is always a chance to people who want to be. With the group assignment, my story fortunately been choose as the video project and we had went to my hometown, Meleka, to shoot the story and interview the particular interviewees. I am so glad that I can bring my group members to visit my hometown while shooting our video project. Not just that, I am so proud that I can introduce my family to them too since the interviewees are all my family as well. However, through this group assignment, I had learnt 2 words:


This word really so usable and reliable. If the people of a group that follows instructions, steps, and majority decision that definitely comes out the perfect outcomes as what my thought and understanding on the word above. Other than that, this word is very powerful and important to the group that cause the group can achieve the achievement of the project. 

Second word:


In this 21st century, the word above is very important to everyone of us. Everyone need to being respectful from others even though we are just the normal people that compares to those who are having a high level of power. In the fact, this is an attitude of a person that whether he or she want to be respect by others or not. Through this project, it definitely has many discussion and suggestion but we only can do is follow the majority decision that we could not use all of that. Somehow, people would think self suggestion is the best compares to others but some of the people got different opinion and perspective towards the suggestion. Therefore, this word obviously connects to the  word of TEAMWORK, because everyone need to respect others and follow the majority that only can build up the powerful teamwork of the group. To be honest, I am glad that I am having the group members that involves this two effective words. *thanks very much to my group members*

Overall, I am very blessed to have the chance to learnt this subject with those amazing people. 
