The artworks presenting at the Iiham Gallery |
11 February 2017
Hi, another week ahead and it is the hectic week to everyone of us, this is because of the deadline of the assignments are around the corner. It super duper tiring week! What to say, no much to say because I am too tired to talk. Is embarrassed situation for people who do not want to say and need to always pretend they are talkative. *lol what am I talking right now
Well, ready for the new question for the blog? Actually the question won't
surprise you and me, but lecturer do happy with it. "Because is time to see the students suffer now HAHA..." Us: *rolling eyes* (just kidding...) Come back to the question,
'what is the favourite artwork from the Galeri Petronas?' for the first question. To be honest, the gallery is quite small and less artworks so can I answer
No for the question.
Obviously can't. But seriously got one artwork that among the others really catch my eyes ball. The artwork is called "Impian 1", (Acrylic on canvas, 2016) created by Suzlee Ibrahim. Here is the artwork at the below:-
Impian 1 by Suzlee Ibrahim
The details of the creator
Once I walked in the gallery, I can feel the art. (*really) Anyway, I think I am looking at this artwork with around 20 minutes. For why I am choosing this as my favourite, is the artwork itself gives me some courage and power that motivate me to move forward whenever there is many obstacles in the future. It reminds me what is my dream and why I want to achieve for my dream. It originally give me some positive vibes.
' I have To Feed Myself, My Family and My Country ' by Hit Man Gurung |
The details of the creator with his artwork
IIham Gallery is a place that very comfortable and relax to let people enjoy with seeing the artworks. Actually, we are reserved to watch a document that talking about Ah Kiew's story. He is a hardworking person who loves to discover the history and behind the story of something that had dissapear with long time ago.
Director is describing about his documentay |
What is the favourite artwork from IIham Gallery? At the same times, I have fall in love with one of the artworks at IIham Gallery. It is the 12 squares of the human body with different types of the matters of life. From what I understand is, the artwork present out some meaningful information to me. What I can seen the message from the artwork itself which are
life is hard but we need to survive for life that strongly comes to my mind after seeing the artwork above. The artwork itself taught people what if you are thinking for luxury lifestyle then you need to work for it as much as you can, if not you will only be the thinker.
Overall, I am quite happy to have the trip with all the classmate because I thought that I am still like kindergarten kid that taking Kuala Lumpur tour on that day. *feeling young~~
Wah nice I like how reading the blog is like hearing you talking :") glad you like ilham gallery. Petronas gallery is actually bigger but some parts were being prepared for the next exhibitions.